Photo Gallery
Click on the photos to see the galleries of XVIII. Hungaria Classic 2020
Photos by Valéria Tálai und Gergő Keserű
Start (Google album):

Mood (Google album):

On the way (Google album):

Prize giving ceremony (Google album):

Click on the photos for the gallery of XVII. Hungaria Classic 2019
Photos by Valéria Tálai (Flickr album):

Photos by Gergő Keserű (Flickr album):

Click on the photos for the gallery of XVI. Hungaria Classic 2018
Photos by Tibor Polinszky (Google album):

Photos by Gergő Keserű (Google album):

Photos by László Hárer (Google album):

Click on the photos for the gallery of XV. Hungaria Classic 2017
Morning (Google album):

Afternoon 1. (Google album):

Afternoon 2. (Google album):

Prize giving ceremony (Google album):

Photos of our previous Events
Hungaria Classic 2016 (Picasa Webalbum):

Hungaria Classic 2015 (Budapest - Esztergom - Belá - Budapest)
Photos by Potihu und Flut (Picasa Webalbum)

Photos by Miklós Simkovics (Picasa Webalbum)

Hungaria Classic Rábaring 2014.

Hungaria Classic Rábaring 2013.

Audi Hungaria Classic Győr 2012.

Audi EasToric Győr 2011.
Hungaria Classic Hévíz 2011.